There’s a good feeling about arriving at a shooting ground with complete preparation. Irrespective of whether it is your first lesson or first competition, being prepared is one of those things that has the maximum influence on your performance and learning graph. Located in Leicestershire, It’s a good way to ensure that you hit more targets than the individual shooting next to you.
If you’re going in for an independent session then the best time to get your kit ready is the evening before you set off for clay pigeon shooting. The kit includes ear defenders, thermos, guns, cartridges, sandwiches and anything else that you might need on that day. If you have signed up at Avalanche Adventure, individually or as a team-building activity then you will be provided with everything required for this activity.
You should also wear the right shooting outfit. There’s no particular outfit for clay pigeon shooting but it should be one that fits you well and is perfect for the weather outside. If you have taken care of all these things the night before then you will feel a lot more relaxed. It will ensure that you turn up to Clay Pigeon Shooting Leicester with a clear mind which is of utmost importance in an activity that requires you to focus hard and concentrate.
The last thing you want to be doing in the morning is scavenging for your gun certificate or counting your cartridges etc. All these concerns will result in your mind being distracted with worries which can affect the quality of clay pigeon shooting.
Needless to say, you should enjoy yourself because well, that’s the reason why you signed up for the activity. You will have an experienced instructor standing behind you who will share some valuable shooting advice while you’re holding the gun. You shouldn’t get stressed about it but try to learn as much as you can.
We are located in Leicestershire as you can see from the map below. We are a 34-minute drive from Leicester town centre!